NSW Interclub Visit Arrangements

NSW Interclub Visit Arrangements
(Regular Club Running Days )

  Society Roster Date
6. Western Districts Live Steamers April 30 2016
7. Bathurst Miniature Railway Society Co-Op Ltd July 30 2016
1. Central Coast Steam Model Co-Op Ltd June 24 2017 Note 1
2. Blue Mountains Railway Society August 26 2017 Note 1.
3. Sydney Live Steam Locomotive Society Co-Op Ltd June 30 2018
4. Orange Society of Model Engineers September 29 2018
5. Bankstown Steam Locomotive Society Co-Op Ltd June 29 2019
6. Western Districts Live Steamers August 31 2019
7. Bathurst Miniature Railway Society Co-Op Ltd May 30 2020
1. Central Coast Steam Model Co-Op Ltd August 29 2020
2. Blue Mountains Railway Society May 29 2021
3. Sydney Live Steam Locomotive Society Co-Op Ltd July 31 2021
4. Orange Society of Model Engineers April 30 2022
5. Bankstown Steam Locomotive Society Co-Op Ltd July 30 2022


  • Note 1: These are fourth Saturdays.

The dates shown are those months with a fifth Saturday. Dates have also been selected to avoid Easter. As a fallback, it appears the fourth Saturday is also available.

Societies rostered are responsible for all arrangements (advertising, invitations etc)for the event. However if the date is to be altered, or the venue changes,please contact the NSW Representative, who will attempt to ensure that the altered arrangements fit in with other pre-planned activities by the various Societies. (Also contact the webmaster so I can update the list!) The listing of running days linked above gives details of other club running days to assist in avoiding conflicts.

Any Society that wishes to either leave or join the roster, should contact the NSW Representative, who will make the necessary adjustments and reissue the roster.Societies joining the roster will be added to the list after position 7. The concept is that clubs who have regular invitation or birthday runs may elect not to be on the roster. This is so that other clubs can have an invitation day on average every 3-4 years. Additional clubs on the roster unnecessarily increases the cycle time. Not being on the roster does not prohibit any Society from arranging a special day.

Host Societies are reminded that the Interclub visit is a non public event, and should be held on the fifth Saturday in a month as that day is generally clear of all other club activities, and consequently is most likely to encourage the maximum attendance. If necessary the occasion may be taken to hold a short AALS meeting if warranted.

Created 26 August 2001 – Updated 4 April 2016